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Old 09-12-2010, 10:31 AM   #377 (permalink)

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Cody Liam Evans
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Brushing yet more orange pumpkin from her clothes she stared at the girl before her. Glare. Enya looked down at her high heel's, making sure they were still in one peice. If they weren't she really would have flipped...towards the girl she was 'talking' to. Putting her shoes back on the ground and looked over at the girl before her again. She studyied the girl's form, eyeing her up and down. Deciding weather she should talk to her or just walk away.

Before she could really decide she heard the girl speak. "Looking at the sky?" She asked in disbelief. The girl shouldn't! She was more important, better to look at then some stupid sky. She was farr more prettyier then the sky! Glare.

Enya opened her mouth is shock when the girl spoke again, was she having a go at her!? Of all people? She was farr to pretty to get told off! "How dare you!" She cried first stepping forward towards the girl. "It was your fault and don't try to tell me other wise" Glare. Enya poked to girl while she spoke, Se stepped back to better look at the girl, smirking she folded her arms.

But now the girl was telling her she had better now wear high heel's. But they went with her outfit, no way was she changing. Glaring at the girl still she said "Don't tell me what to do"
Ginny wanted to igorne her badly, but no she couldn't otherwise she would be dead, of how the way things were going. She was getting stared at. She didn't like people so close to her that she didn't like staring at her as if... they had an evil eye.

She looked at the girl, again. "Yes, I was looking at the sky since it's nice, especially the clouds", she repiled ot her. There was nothing else to say.

She glared at her. She didn't want to get in trouble and lose points for her own house, Gryffindor. "How dare you, just blaming me like that", she told her. Oh no, now. This girl was getting closer and closer. "Don't you say that", she said. Ginny felt the girl poking her. Woah, that was a hard poke. Did she want to fight her now? She didn't do anything physically back to her. She left her arms to herself.

Ginny was one girl who didn't care about fashion, tripping over pumpkins was bad enough. "You don't tell me what to do either", she answered her.
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

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