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Miss Evi3e <3 Enya studied the girl before her angerly. How could she not help her!? It was just RUDE! She thought brusing more pumpkin off her shoulders. These were new clothes she was wearing, and now they were ruined. She was really annoyed now..she could cry. She stomped her foot.
Breathing deeply she walked towards the girl. She was still angry of course, and the girl would pay for not helping her. But she really wasn't in the mood, and her clothes were ruined. What would people think of her now!? She almost screamed in rage. It.Was.All.The.Girls.Fault.
Enya glared at her, stopping a few steps in front of her. She folded her arms across her body and leant on one leg. She was still covered from head to toe in pumpkin but at the moment she was angry at the girl before her. "You should have know!" She told her girl still glaring. "This is all you fault!"
Now this girl looked very angry. It looked like she had a temper the way she was looking at Ginny. A stomp of the foot, now that wasn't a good sign. Time to hide now, she was thinking but she was a angry young girl.
Ginny had got up and walked to her. She had had enough of classes and wanted to talk to people but not people that would blame her for something that she hadn't done wrong. She looked dirty from top to bottom. Her clothes and her high heels.
"I didn't know, I was lying on the ground, looking up at the sky", she said to her angrily almost feeling like she wanted to do something back to her. Ginny had stared at her, glaring back and forth.
"It is not. Your the one who fell over and you have to blame the first person you come across. You can't blame anyone else besides me", she told her.
"High heels aren't the best shoes to walk around in", she added. Her had her point now.