Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Who says I did not let the litte girl win?" Rex asked Fee teasing her. " Fun, no way" Rex laughed. "Well i like being a bestest friend" Rex told Fee. "Well, Rec os my favorite color" Rex said to Fee. "Who knows about achampion" " Rex sighed. " Now glitter fan club sounds really cool " Rex smiled.
"Pfff, never", Fee raised an eybrow at him and laughed,"you just cant stand losing."
"I really like that,too. Glad i was brave enough to talk to you in Diagon Alley",she grinned remembering that day.
"Well, then i need a pink house", she giggled.
She smiled at him warmly.
"Just believe me."
Originally Posted by
"I thought that maybe there was a passage under it!" She said slightly winded. She was very curious. She also liked pumpkins win win right? Right? "I've gone to History of magic and Runes. I am looking forward to potions."
"That would be REALLY clever, if there were secret ways under some of the pumpkins",Fee said,"maybe we shoud try them all."
Yes, that was an good idea. They would look like idiots but still.
"Oh i am looking forward to potions as well, even though the theacher is a bit um... different."