Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Marie cried even more when Patroclus put his arm around her shoulder. She really didn't want to cry again but she couldn't help it, the tears just came. "I..I don't really know wwwhy he dddidn't want to ssssee me." she said through sobs. "Hhhe said sssomething about me nnot inviting him to that stupid pparty Lawson had for me." You know, the party where she seen Carter kissing Destiny. The same party where he broke up with her and said he had moved on. "I tried tttellng him I wasn't the one wwwho ppplanned the party but he didn't listen to me." No, instead he was more worried about Destiny crawling away with that stupid potato spoon.