Professional Twirler Mourned and Missed
Crap. Marie was Crying. He had not meant for that to happen.
Placing his arm around her shoulder's Patroclus spoke, "It's OK, let it all out." It was obvious she had been holding this all in from quite sometime.
Sitting there, Patroclus thought of all the possiblities that could have lead to this, "What do you think is the reason, why he didn't want to see you in the Summer?" Patroclus remembered a certain train trip, where he had told Marie to trust Carter..... the reason? Maybe...
It was a delicate situation, Patroclus was not going to pick sides, they were both his very close friends, but he was willing to listen, and offer advice, as best he could. "There must have been some reason, why Carter would go from Loving you like crazy to asking not to see you?" |