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Courtney smiled half-heartedly. "Nice" she said. She looked at Ginny as she took the photo's and said the next sentence. She looked at the floor and threw her make-up in her bag. "I'm sorry. He passed away a week ago. I thought Justin sent you an owl telling you about it but obviously he didn't" she replied. Either that or the stupid owl got lost on the way.
Ginny didn't look a Courtney for a little while, though she had to at s
ome stage. She looked at the photo again and heard what Courtney had to say. "A week ago? No one could of told me, not even Justin. I've been keeping contact with him and he hasn't had any time to write to me? How did Bradin... go? It wasn't from that curse that he had on his body, was it?", she told Courtney in a mouthgul.