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Marie attempted to smile at Patroclus when he said he was going to eat the books. "I think you'll find the food in the Great Hall a bit more tasty than a stack of books." However she could't be sure of that herself since she pretty much avoided that place. Lately she had taken to just going to the kitchen to grab something to eat. There she was less likely to be ignored by anyone.
He was the one that had just smacked onto the floor yet he was asking her if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said as she started to help him stack his books back up. Okay, so maybe that wasn't the truth but really, didn't want to keep dumping all her problems on Patroclus... or did she?
Looking up at him she couldn't stop the words from coming out... it just happened. "Have you seen Carter lately? I have a feeling he is avoiding me." More like she knew he was avoiding her.
It seemed Marie, had not got Patroclus' little joke, and he planned on telling her, but decided he could not be bothered. He had far more pressing matters to discuss, the main one being the severe depression his friend seemd to be in.
Patroclus had seen Carter, not nearly an hour ago, they did live together....well pretty much.
"I saw him in the dorms. But only passing, and why would be avoiding you?" Patroclus had made a small decision about a week back, to stay out of this lover's tiff, but it now seemed he needed to interveen, it was getting drastically out of control.
What is going on with you two, seriously I am struggling to keep up," he spoke the truth, the once loving relationship was experince a rollercoaster ride of emotions.