Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]
Treyen nodded, "Probably. If you were only staying in the Common Room, then, yes, that's why you haven't seen me around" he only went there after curfew, and even then he walked past the Common Room to the dormitories.
Yeah, odd Huffie boy.
Ah! Roma seemed to understand, good girl! Treyen petted the dog in the head and smiled. Only to turn his face towards Brittany when she spoke again. Oh, yes, his hair. Very pretty, no? Uh, wait a minute, what did she mean? The boy frowned only a bit, "Interesting? How?" he asked, a hand went through his hair, just in case he had something else in it, "Like what?" he was more than confused by now.
He needed details.