Thread: Scarlet Dreams
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Old 09-08-2010, 10:04 PM   #72 (permalink)
Formerly: DracikinsLuver4321
Join Date: Oct 2009
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JALIA♥|| Pat&Vanessa♥ ||DAN CER|| [The future Mrs. Efron] || Miss OCD chick

Hey guys! I've come with a requestttt!

Type of Graphic : Siggy, PP, anddd avvie!
~Size : The siggy no bigger than 150px please!
~Images: for the siggy...this pic and this pic. The PP and avvie: Anything from this album of Taylor wearing the sparkly long dress
Siggy: Fletcher and Sadie and below You're kidding right? Ha you're totally wrong.
PP: Sadie Perdieu and below 6th year Slytherin
Avvie: No text
~Colour Scheme: Anything you want to come up with...
~Anything Else: Could you have Sadie and Fletcher's pics obviously facing each other in a way? That's about it. Thanks!
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