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Moments later, trailing behind the pink-clad blonde ahead of him, came Chanler Boyce, stepping through a mass of glitter. How he did not notice this sparkly mess is unknown. The letters in his hands must have been vastly more important and interesting than where he was walking. Folded neatly in his left hand was the letter from his mom and step-dad and the one that his crystal blue eyes were quickly wandering through was from the Collins family. Thankfully, it was one full of kind words and good lucks rather than hatred considering the recent breakup of him and their daughter.
Running his hand through his dark hair, he glanced down at this feet then raised a brow. What he saw: Glitter. It was all over his shoes and even a little crept up to his pant legs. He had only known one other girl who could possibly wear so much that it would leave a TRAIL.
Savannah Conrad.
But it couldn't be... She would never be at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But out of curiosity, he looked up anyways and there she was.
He resisted the cliches of various surprised comments and stepped closer to her. "A pygmy puff, Savvy? That's cute," he smirked, dropping his hand to his thigh and the letters with it.
.....a male voice, that's what Savvy heard. It was a familar sounding male voice though, she knew it. A confused look spread across the blonde's perfect fetures as she attempted to remember the voice. It wasn't Aiden or Cody, this voice was lower than their's. This guy knew her name though so he OBVIOUSLY knew her from somewhere, of course Savannah was like totally famous so this guy could have just HEARD about her.
Common sense then kicked in and the blonde turned around, pygmy puff STILL squealing.
NU UH. It couldn't be, but it was. IT WAS CHANLER!
fgsfhgfsdjhzdgfhzdgfhzfjgshghfg. She could have fainted.
A smile grew on the seventh year's face as she looked at him, happiness taking over shock.
"OMG. CHANNNNNNNNNIKIIIIIIIIIIIINS."Savannah said looking at him. Was it time to tackle with hugs? ERM. Savvy thought so. She ran up to him FLAILING,nearly TACKLING THE POOR BOY.