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CaleyShoutCaley<3 Blondie glared, not impressed. She wasn't the only one who called her THING, Lori agreed and so did Nekoda. "I don't think you know what all THING has done to me, its slapped me! THING slapped me!"SAvannah said, flailing her arms around as if she was trying to get some SERIOUSLY needed attention."I mean...HELLO??! Who would want to hit this?"Savvy said now pointing to her face.
"Obviously some THING that has no soul."dfsfhdxfhdfgdghh. Had Ella brainwashed Hayley too? First Aiden and then Hayley? This wasn't cool at all. Stupid THING. "Ohhh er..."Cough."Orlando told me to tell you he says hi..."That was, if Savvy saw her at the school which she did. You know, People said Orlando Conrad was the only sane Conrad, Savvy was beginning to think they were right.Would she agree? Oh glitter, NO! That would be crazy.
"I bet you've done worse to her though, am I right?" Hayley asked with a raised eyebrow. Savannah seemed like the type of person to get revenge on someone who did something bad to her; for example 'hitting her'. Or then again she could be lying however something told her that she wasn't lying to her.
"Excuse me?" She asked as Savannah was being obnoxious once again.
"Wow, you have some issues, Sav." She stated, shaking her head at the thought.
Orlando told Savannah to tell me hi? Hayley slightly smiled and nodded.
"Tell him I say hi back." She said simply. There was nothing else to say to him, he wasn't really worth the time anymore.