Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Once in her bedroom, Vianna changed out of her summer dress and into a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a sweater, neatly folding and placing her dress away. With Ferris's own jacket hanging from one arm, Vianna returned back out to the living room. "Thank you, Professor," she said, handing the young man back his jacket with a smile. "You ready to go get some food?" she asked. "How's your forehead feeling?"
ooc: Hey Ruthers, I won't be able to post again until perhaps... late afternoon my time? I'm not completely sure, but I'll definitely be back later!
__________________ — the sun & the moon —
Last edited by Gryffindoll; 09-05-2010 at 02:51 PM.