Name: Alice Rigel Black
DOB: 2nd of December
Age: 16
Year: Sixth Year
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Blood: Pureblood
Best Subjects: Potions and Charms
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Muggle Studies, Flying (she's scared of heights)
Pets:Siamese cat named
Osiris Family: Father: Orion Black Mother: Elizabeth Black (nee Firmona)
Grandfather: Eltanin Black Grandmother: Darleen Black (nee Volkuri)
Alice is a person with many standards. Doesn't like to be in crowded, noisy places; she prefers to be either at the lake, in the library or quiet places...depending on her mood. Alice might come out as a mean and conceded person, but that is just the barrier she puts so people won't hurt her and she is extremely confindent in herself. She is not a very patient person, but is reasonable. Alice has a soft spot for Slytherins and first years. Although, she was raised with Pureblood principals, Alice, only follows her beliefs and what
she thinks is right. All in all, she's person...just don't get on her bad side. Alice's personality has been shaped by her unfortunant events, so it's better to get to know her first, instead of judging her actions.
Appearance: Eye Color: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'5
Alice Rigel (named after a star in Orion's belt) Black is a decedent from the scarce Noble House of Black. She was born to a Pureblood wizard and witch: Orion and Elizabeth Black. The Blacks had found refuge in Germany after the take down of the Dark Lord. They remained there for years and years until one day Mr. Black decided that it was safe to return. Alice was four years old. Two months after the return of the Blacks both Mr. and Mrs. Black were murdered while Alice was in France with her grandparents.
Eltanin and Darleen Black, her grandparents were awarded Alice's custody after a hard battle with the Firmona's (her mother's parents). Eltanin and Darleen moved into the Black Manor in Wiltshire, England thinking that it would be easier for Alice to stay where she lived, but they were wrong. It pained Alice to live in the same place her parents were murdered, but she didn't show it.
Seven years after that horrible event, Alice borded the Hogwarts Express, full of excitement and curiousity. It was hard at first, seeing all the other kids say goodbye to their parents, but Alice was glad that she had her grandparents, whom she loved dearly. Everything seemed to be normal in her first two years at Hogwarts. Alice made friends and exceeded in all of her classes, specially potions.
Third year is when everything took a turn for the worst. Alice's grandparents had been in several accidents, that by all means were done by someone on purpose, Death Eaters. Eltanin and Darleen feared that their granddaughter would suffer the same fate as their son, so they decided to flea to Germany once again. There, Alice attended a wizarding institute that only allowed purebloods, which was completely different to Hogwarts. It was hard for her to adjust, she felt as though giving into Pureblood supremacy thoughts were wrong, but as time passed she found that it wasn't. The people there were also different. They cared about no one except themselves, which was a complete opposite from Hogwarts.
Through out her years at the German institue, Alice learned that she could trust no one and there wasn't such things as friends there. They had made fun of, torture and bullied her into isolation. On her last year at the institute, Alice had grown tired of the way people treated her. So, she did something about it. Alice hexed those who disrespected her and from then on commanded respect. Later, Alice was feared by those who had hurt her, but she only kept one person that she could trust. Her friend Romina. One day, Romina went to visit Alice to her house. That same day a Death Eater had broken in and killed Romina, thinking that it was Alice. Thanks, to her grandparents' wards the Ministry of Magic of Germany was automatically called in and luckily captured Romina's muderer. At the end, Aurors had managed to find out that the same Death Eater they captured was also Alice's parents' murderer.
Once again, Alice returned to her home in Wiltshire. But, she felt as though she was empty. Alice had blamed herself for what happened to Romina and since hasn't befriended anyone, for fear that she might put them in danger as well.
Now, this is Alice's sixth year at Hogwarts and she doesn't know what to make of it. She is a tough, serious person that greatly differs from the joyfull, always smiling Alice three years ago. At the same time she is under a lot pressure, from her grandfather Eltanin, to keep up pureblood superiority and to excell in all of her classes.