Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie Quote:
Originally Posted by Monique Bernard "Yes. I am in the snake house." Monique replied. "Perhaps you could tell me why there are so many skulls down there." There were tons of them. They weirded her out. "Oh, how exciting. What did you do there? If you don't mind me asking." She then looked around. "I'd have to agree. It is like a little piece of home." she said. She could get used to a place like this. Why wasn't her room as lovely? "The most recent one would be best." she said. "I hear there is quite a fascinating history behind this school. I want to learn all that I can while being able to explore it up close." "You know as a student, I always wondered that myself." Sylvie replied. "I always thought it was to add character to the room, which I never did understand. One does get used to it after a while." She did get used to it after her second term as a student, but truth be told, the skulls did give her the creeps her first year.
Glancing at the map just behind her, she smiled brightly. "I worked in the Ministry for a time, then at the Louvre." she explained. She did have a marvellous time whilst in Paris, but being back to England and then back here at Hogwarts was what she needed. "It reminds me of my time in Paris, but it's very British as well. A mixture of both really, my past, present and future all together." It was rather fitting after all.
Getting up from her desk, she walked over to the spiral stairs and made her way up and toward on of the high bookcases. Pulling down the right edition, she returned down the stairs and walked over to Monique. "This is the most recent copy I have, the newest is to be sent to me for Flourish and Blotts soon. So I hope this one will help you," she smiled as she handed over the large book. "It is an interesting read. I used to read it over the summer before my return to school each year." |