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Old 09-05-2010, 01:24 AM   #1975 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris listened with a warm smile as Vianna began to explain the different meanings of the number of coins, informing him that one coin would guarantee a person the trip back to Rome at some point in their life. His eyebrows rose slightly at this, but he remained silent as she then explained that two coins meant he'd find true love and three coins ensured that he'd get married...or divorced. His brown eyes widened slightly at this, turning to look at her with vague amusement as she assured him that sometimes three coins could mean good luck, if thrown in the right way. "I don't want to go anywhere near three coins," he grumbled playfully, pulling her closer and planting a sweet kiss to her cheek, playfully audible as it came in contact with her skin. "And I already found 'true love'," he continued to her ear with a bit of a grin, pecking her temple lovingly, enjoying the feel of her so near to himself. "So I guess that just leaves me with one choice..."
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