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Old 09-05-2010, 12:48 AM   #1971 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

OOC: Bahaha nah, it's alright I'm just bad at picking up on stuff! And NO WAY. I'm totally considering delving into the pizza stash myself! *reads post* Bahahaha Italians don't like people jumping into their fountains...

Ferris returned his gaze to the woman at his side as she asked how many coins he wanted to toss into the fountain, explaining that there were many different legends involving what the fountain would give to you depending on the number of coins you gave it. His eyebrows rose at this information, obviously not having known much about it, and was just about to reply when he suddenly heard a fairly loud splashing sound and ripples coursed through the crystalline waters. Brown eyes widening, he peered out from behind Vianna only to see Vince sitting at the bottom of the fountain just a little ways down from them, soaked from head to foot and glaring at something he couldn't see. His eyebrows rose further as he let out a string of hearty chuckles, all of the amusement in the world sparkling behind his brown-eyed gaze.

He quickly gathered that the young man had been pushed in (assuming it had been Julia), and watched as the guards attempted to catch his brother-in-law, only to find themselves in the midst of a chase. The young man's laughter increased slightly at the sight of Vince running through the water of the fountain just to pop out on the other side and disappear, creating quite a bit of action for the guards who seemed a bit out of shape. It was then that Victor and Airi approached, asking what had happened, and thankful that she answered as he was too busy laughing, Ferris listened as Vianna explained that Vince had turned himself into a fugitive.

His laughter died down a couple moments later, a grin on his pale face as he cleared his throat and let out one last soft chuckle, obviously finding that this laughing had done him a bit of good, brightening up his expression and bringing a bit of pink to his cheeks as his brown eyes sparkled. "Alright, that just made my day," he announced with a lopsided grin, turning to beam at Vianna for a moment before returning his gaze to the fountain as though this wasn't something of concern.
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