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Old 09-04-2010, 11:39 PM   #65 (permalink)
Formerly: DracikinsLuver4321
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Default Than that means me! xD
JALIA♥|| Pat&Vanessa♥ ||DAN CER|| [The future Mrs. Efron] || Miss OCD chick

Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron View Post
Hayley was exploring the outside of Hogwarts, because secretly when she's alone she likes to act like an explorer. Sure that's really childish for her, but no one ever sees. Hehe. She wouldn't act like an explorer just yet because right ahead of her she saw something that made her eyes widen. PUMPKINS! She gasped and ran toward the pumpkin patch. She loved loved loved pumpkins, liakkkkk pumpkin pie and........oh......uhmmm......pumpkins!

Sadie skipped down to the pumpkin patch wondering when these big orange things would be ready. It was only September and next month was Halloween! One of her favorite holidays. It allowed her to dress up as the princess she was. Actually, every year since she was 7 she had been some sort of princess. Muggle or not. It was too tempting not to be one!

She took a seat on one of the big things and that's when she noticed....



Where the heck had she been this past week?

"HAYLEY!!!" she yelled, flailing her arms a bit. So much to tell. SO MUCH! By this point Sadie was going to explode from news.
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