For Lottie...though, Jeremy doesn't know that yet. ^__^ The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion He had only just returned to his office - yes, HIS office O_o - when he heard the first knock on the door already. Whoa, that girl was quick. Unless, of course it wasn't Trixie. Well, there was only one way to find out, right? Still, something made him hesitate with his hand already on the door handle, about to open the door. This was just too weird.
He wasn't going to make this go away by avoiding it, though. Still, putting this conversation off seemed like a really good ide- Knock!Knock
Either that somebody - because there was this the slight chance of it not being Trixie - was really impatient or there were more people outside his office. Again, only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath Jeremy finally pushed the door handle downwards and pulled at the door to open it.
Oh. Wow. There was more than one student outside, that was for sure. Which made his trademark grin return to his lips as he took in each of their faces. "Now, who was first?" He asked the group of students...all of them girls, he happened to notice just then. |