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Old 09-04-2010, 07:22 PM   #1963 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris adored the sight of his wife's sparkling blue eyes, his gaze filled with a sort of love that he couldn't help but show off to anyone that glanced at his expression. His arms remained snug and comfortable around the waist that seemed so familiar as she announced that he had no idea how glad she was to be back with her Professor again, a comment that got his smile to return twice as big, his dimples coming out of hiding as it turned slightly lopsided. "I can't believe that I let my little gem be pulled away from me and into the claws of Julia, of all people," he grumbled sweetly to her with the warmest of sparkles to his dark brown eyes, leaning towards her just slightly so his nose could trace along the side of her smooth expression, his breath warm on her cheek as he relished in the feel of her so close to him once more. But he'd missed her, more than he'd ever imagined that he could miss his wife after such a short amount of time. Of course, this sort of terrible longing had happened before but, it'd been years ago! When they were dating, when they were an engaged couple that had to separate, when they first moved in together and realized that they'd be separated for most of the day due to work. All of that was new and horrible and everyday he'd felt this pull towards her that would only be cured when he returned to her side.

And now, they'd adjusted to their schedules a bit; they'd accepted that they had to be apart for a while and that made coming home all the more better. And of course she was on his mind most of the time at work, but they'd grown used to it, knowing that they'd see the other right at home. This, however, this sort of longing for his wife hadn't happened since when they'd first moved in together and it made the boy almost giddy to have her back. It'd been a long time since he'd really gotten the chance to miss her. Which was good, but it also meant that they never got to have these moments and these honest feelings come out when it became so obviously true that they'd needed one another's presence.

Julia observed Fervi for a small moment (all that her light brown eyes could really take of it), her expression as though someone had just thrown a trash can atop of her. She found that to be horribly ridiculous and a little disturbing to be honest, quickly turning away to her Vincent with a small smile growing on her expression at the sight of him. (Which was totally hypocritical because when Julince wanted to, they could make everyone within the country cringe.) She glanced down at her shopping bags as Vince spoke, asking if she'd gotten all of these things with what he had given her. It was then that she sort of beamed with pride, "No I did not," she announced with a giggle, quickly taking a couple steps back with obnoxious clicks of her heels and setting down all of her bags. "These ones," she started with a small smile, taking a few of the smaller ones and putting them off to the side. "Came free with my purchases!" she finished as though this was the best thing on the face of the planet; which it probably was since that meant there were a few less bags that hadn't come out of Vince's bank account.

"And these," she continued, obviously not done, "...I paid for with the birthday money I got from some of my friends just last month!" she announced after sorting a good portion of the rest of the bags into a new pile. Leave it up to Julia to find friends that only got her money for whenever her birthday came around (March). But this was much more interesting than just a proud display of bags; you see, Julia had never even once considered paying for anything with her own money. Not that she couldn't have, as over the past few years she'd gotten some major birthday money from her friends, but she'd just never thought about what she might be doing to her boyfriend's bank account. She just sort of assumed it was bottomless, or something.

This was the first time she'd ever made some sort of effort to keep some of Vince's savings in tact. And granted, it wasn't as though she shoved a million galleons back to the bank or anything (the pile that marked the bags that Vince's money had paid for was still sporting a good seven to ten bags). But she'd paid for another five or six bags of fairly expensive things with her own money, and for the first time ever in Julince history, Julia forked over the bag of money he'd originally given her, placing it in his hand with a proud grin on her glossy lips. The bag was much lighter and seemed a little sad, but there was money still in it. She hadn't spent it all. And that was a first.
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