Full Name: Daisy Elizabeth Rohdes
Date of Birth: Sept 3, 2061
Current Age: 12
Years Attended Hogwarts: 2072- now
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Father:Clément Wilson Rohdes
Mother: Melinda Lee Malfoy-Rohdes
Siblings: Only child
Pets: Black cat named Nightmare and an Owl named Squak
Hair: Black and brown. It changes with season.
Eyes: Blue-Green
Height: 5' 0''
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Daisy is a fun but shy child. Being and only child has left her witht he idea that she is fabulous and everyone should love her. She also feels that to earn love one must give love, therefore she always puts her friends happiness before her own. She rarely has a bad attitude. When you get to know her she opens up and flourishes. One warning though, she's a flirt and a major one at that but she knows when to stop it and let it go and keep it real.
History: Daisy was born in France and lived there for three years with both her mom and dad. Two days before her fourth Birthday they moved to italy and lived there for the year. then the moved to London and lived peacefully for five years until they decided to find a really quiet place out on Mulberrie. She had originally been told she had to go to the Beauxbatons school but her father told her mother that Hogwarts was a better place to go. She is now in her third year at Hogwarts and her parents divorced. She's never been happier and can't wait to see where this term will go.