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samthehpfreak "Jay" Sammy said her eyes going from Jay, who was mockingly hiding behind her and make-up girl ... she didn't know her name. "don't be mean to the firstie" she said, even though she is wearing make-up she thought darkly, then turning to the firstie "if you don't mind me asking, why do you wear make-up?" she asked, she didn't care if she got an answer or not,she just wanted to ask
"Well, i guess, my sister got me into it. I just love to put it on- create new looks. I don't use it to hide behind. It's just fun!" she says, wondering what this girl found so bad against make up- she probably just couldn't apply it properly, that's a lot of people's problem with it- or they just thought that it wasn't needed for some bizarre reason. Taylor doesn't always put huge amounts on, just a flick of lipgloss and mascara and she's ready to go.