LEILANI RHODE Full Name: Leilani Anjelica Rhode
DOB: August 3rd
POB: Uhhh... Illinois
Year: Fifth
Favorites: Color: Pink
Food: noodles
Animal: Porcupine
Letter of the Alphabet: K
Nicknames: Lani, Lee-Lee, Anjelica, Lei
Family: Dad: David, 47
Brother: Aiden, 2
Associates in crime: Jimbo Farley
Selena Zabini-Riddle
Iris Beaumont Kale Graves
(hehe) Loves: fruit, pulling pranks, attacking YOU, Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy, Anciet Runes, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, potatos, pink, sparkley, pink-sparkley, her Pygmy Puff Dahlia, her deranged kitteh Coffee

Hates: YOU messing with her personal space, people being picked on, playing quidditch (yeah, like, 0 hand coordination

Height: 5' 1"
Weight: Did you need to know?
Hometown: Joleit, Illinois (USA)
Pets: Dahlia (pink pygmy puff), Coffee (Mr. Cat)
Personality: She loooooves sugar! Leilani also loves people and people that give her sugar. But seriously, even though she can be a bit shy at first, she's deffinitely a people person. Don't make her mad though, otherwise you'll get kicked in the head (Jimbo would know). She loves numbers. Like seriously, it's probobly some kind of unhealthy obbsession with math- so you'll be seeing her in Arithmamcy.
History: Around two years ago, her mother died after giving birth to Leilani's little brother Aiden. Since then, the three have them have managed to get along and have some interesting stories along the way. Even though her little brother can only say a few words, she lives him to death. And she's always been really close with her dad. So yeah, Iif you happen to be the unfortunate person that ends up on their doorstep all I have to say is 'good luck with that'. Don't worry, they have food