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''Yes, some fun plans'' Josh repeated as Heather seemed to ask about it. His plans were usually different ones than a mere prankster would think of. He was for sure a different one with his unordinary plans. Of course he could not say that those plans did not cause him to be ended in detention. Hehe.
Looking at the firstie as she asked the question he thought over it a little before answering ''No, she is not really nice. She, unfortunately, is a kind of 'i am cold and scary' kind of a teacher.''
Heather could groan if she just didn't think it would be rude to groan in front of other people. 'Great. A professor i should be careful of...' she thought, hugging her doll tighter again at the thought of having a scary professor.
"a-aren't you scared Joshua?" she asked. "i-i mean...you're g-going to pull some fun things o-on this professor...and you said...she's c-cold and s-scary...and you m-might get detention...and...y-you might lose h-housepoints and everything..." Heather still didn't seem to think of Joshua as so much as a trouble maker, but she dare not question his plans too much. She still hasn't seen him pull any tricks yet, and she guessed he might be awesome at such. Perhaps...she hoped...she could loosen up from following rules for awhile and ask Josh to teach her and Kurumi some tricks as well, only to be careful enough not to get caught and end up in detention. Her mother would send her a howler if she ended up in detention and she hates howlers.