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Rubiey took a seat, and smiled at the Professor. "Tea would be great, sir." She blushed slightly; she didn't know the whole of the book of by heart... not yet, anyways. "Well, yes, I do have one, Professor. What exactly will we be studying? And what types of homework is given out?" Ah, that was two. She blushed again.
"Tea is coming right up. Er... Please make sure to stay away from the window, I'm not insured against deadly plunges." Risu smiled to show he was joking - a little bit of dark humour had helped him and his fellow researches through long and often fruitless nights in South Africa, but a young student, fresh to Hogwarts (and magic) might not be quite as appreciative of it.
He walked over to the stove and fished his wand out of his pocket. While he busied himself with the teapot - the only choice of tea he had was black - he said over his shoulder, "I haven't yet finalised my syllabus for this term, I'm afraid. I have, er, several themes in mind, but I will have to move some ideas to later lessons. Or, perhaps, your next year here."
The teapot whistled. Risu poured some tea, placed the cup on a saucer, and returned to his desk. "Here. Careful, it's hot." He put the cup down on his desk gently - there was just enough room for it at the edge. Everything else was full of papers and magazines. "As far as homework goes, this varies from lesson to lesson, but it will usually be an essay of varying length." He smiled briefly. "One or two rolls of parchment. Topics concentrate on the subject matter taught during the lessons."