Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Sammy stopped jumping... she would have to start her chant again. "right here" she said diving under her bed, and then sliding out the other side holding the little brown kitty in front of her. that was cool, you can't deny that was cool. Then hopping back onto her bed, sitting cross legged and placing the kitty in her lap. "they're taking the Hobbits to Isengurd, to Isengurd." she mumbled patting kitty. Then the cat song came back into her head "It's a cat. It's a kitty cat. With a meow meow meow meow meow meow" she said in a normal level of voice.
__________________ everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core---------------------------  ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff |