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The door opened, and a young student walked in. Risu smiled widely as she closed it behind her and introduced herself. "Hello there!" he said, giving the window a slight push to close it halfway - the last thing he needed was for a first-year to accidentally fall out even if the view on the way down would be rather incredible.
"Welcome to the Astronomy Tower then, Miss O'Rielly. And, of course, to Hogwarts." Risu indicated the chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat, please. I can offer, er, let's see..." He still had not unpacked completely, but he saw his ceramic teapot was on top of the stove next to the door. "Tea?" He shrugged.
"I am certainly very glad to see your enthusiasm. It is not necessary to know the textbook by heart, which, I take it, is more a reference work than anything else. I will endeavour to explain more fully during the lessons." Risu tapped the glass window lightly. "Do you have any specific questions?"
Rubiey took a seat, and smiled at the Professor.
"Tea would be great, sir." She blushed slightly; she didn't know the whole of the book of by heart... not yet, anyways.
"Well, yes, I do have one, Professor. What exactly will we be studying? And what types of homework is given out?" Ah, that was two. She blushed again.