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Amy bounced into her dorm SAMMMMAYYYYY! she called, hyperly flinging herself across the room, OOW merlin! she cursed as she missed the bed and landed on her head, she sat up, rubbing her sore bonce, ouch she wined, clawing up to her bed, she pulled herself up and lay down on the bed, massaging her head. She leaned over her bed and pulled open her kitty's cage, letting Ramona roam around the room, sniffing her new domain (the cat, not Amy) and she sat up, new term, she grinned as she looked at Sammy's cool dance, she shrunk away from the mad Sammy and pulled out her ipod, putting on her headphones and switching to Teenage Dream, by Katy Perry, singing out to it YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING A TEENAGE DREAM she screamed over Sammy's mad shouting THE WAY YOU TURN ME ON, I CAN'T SLEEP LETS RUN AWAY LETS RUNAWAY she started head banging on her bed, and she stood up begining to jump up and down AND DON'T EVER LOOK BACK DON'T EVER LOOK BACK, sorry firsties she grinned as she kept jumping, new term, new mischeif, and this was going to be a good one. she would make sure of it O,O
"AAAAAMMMMMYYYYY" Sammy shouted still dancing and jumping up and down.
"oh, you okay?" she asked as Amy cursed
"KITTY!" she squeled running over to Amy's puddy cat and patting it, then Amy started shouting Teenage Dreams ... too late, she abandoned her old chant and joined in
"MY HEART STOPS, WHEN YOU LOOK AT ME!" she yelled running over to her own bed, removing Moggy from it and jumping on it
"JUST ONE TOUCH, NOW BABY I BELIEVE" she continued starting her dance again
"THIS IS REAL, SO TAKE A CHANCE, AND DON'T EVER LOOK BACK, DON'T EVER LOOK BACK!" yeah, they were loud. Well they were no longer firsties they were allowed to be as loud as they want.