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EEP! She'd barely barely been on the job for a day or whatever, and she was already contemplating going home because the castle seemed ... different.
Listening out, as she slowly got up from the bed and approached the door, Lori tightened her grip on the bat, occasionally passing it between hands to wipe the sweat from her right.
HUH? Melissa Bellator? Wasn't that the little kid from Quidditch, the one that Trixie like ... attacked? It was. Lori remember the name! And it wasn't from anywhere else, she was certain of that.
Opening the door a fraction, Lori peeped through the hole and breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you were like a monster or something .... Come on in, if that's what you wandered down here for." Finally opening the door fully, Lori headed back to her bed, and perched herself back on it, gaze on the smaller much younger kid.
"Oookkay person wwwho sounds like Loooori...wwwherever you areeee." Melissa was scared of this Lorish sounding person plus the sound of a bat didn't seem nice and it was SCARY. Plus she had no clue how big it was. It could of been one of those hard baseball bats or something like that. Which probably hurt. A LOT. She honestly didn't like the idea of getting hit by some sort of bat.
"Oh erm Lori," nervous laugh. Heh. Now it was HER turn to breathe out a sigh of relief.
"We have monsters in Hogwarts?" ACK. They weren't near both of them right? Well why would she be here? That didn't make sense but the younger girl advanced into the dorm before Lori shut the door and well...just stood there and gazed around. Seemed the same, though it looked bigger to Melissa strangely and it made her feel out of place.
Though no one else was here yet so it was good, Melissa would rather NOT be eyed by many older girls.
"How come anyone else isn't here yet?" She inquired whistle still looking around then moving her eyes to Lori. That's when she noticed something. A shiny badge stuck on Lori. It looked like a badge Torin and Sarah wore last term. The prefect badge.
"And your a prefect? I honestly didn't know but I'm sure you'll be a great one this year." Melissa had NO clue. In fact she had no clue about anything, she just knew who was the new staff, who left and the fact that they were having a Triwizard tournament and there was no Quidd- Nope, no thinking about that.
"Oh, and the reason WHY I'm here. I'm...scared Lori." She was scared about this year for a lot of reasons.