Awhh..she was getting called Mama now.
These firsties were so dang cute, Savannah just wanted to like hug them and sprinkle glitter on them and stuff. Now was not time for glitter! Now was time for seriousness. Savannah coughed, hoping to get the girls attention.How was she going to start? Errr...
"I ask a VERY important favor out of you girls,"Savannah said, looking at the girls sitting before her."I have been left heartbroken by my ex boyfriend, Ai-Ai,"GIGGLE."He is now dating this THING that hates glitter and we need to seek revenge on him!"Pause."Oh, and he shaved my cat last term..."Cough.
"So, since I know Ai-Ai has classes up here, I will keep watch for him, waiting to see when he shows up in the corridor..."she paused."You guys will run out and attack him with shoes and purses! Eliza has hit him with a purse before so she knows how fun it is."Savannah said with a wink at Eliza.
"Who wants to help beat Ai-AI and get revenge !?!?"
"Meeee!" she said, raising up a hand. She gasped horridly.
"What glitter hater? How terrible! Ewww, who'd wanna date THAT?" she asked with disgust.
"Where's Kodes?" she asked with a puzzled look, since she was one of Savannah's best friends she must have been invited, rightt?