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Old 09-03-2010, 03:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Perched on the end of her bed, with her eyes set firmly on the bed to the right of her, Lorelai Bristol sat silent. That was Miranda's bed, or so she had claimed it now. Her other best friend may not have been here, but she still deserved a bed, it wasn't like she had just ditched them, more ... moved up in the world. And still most definately deserved a bed in the Seventh Year dormitory.


... O_O, what the ruddy hell was that?!

Snatching her gaze from the bed, and placing it firmly on the door, Lori chewed at her lip, and fumbled for her beaters bat. She had packed that, because she liked it, and was EXPECTING QUIDDITCH! Holding the pink bat firmly in her hand, she chewed even more at her lip. Sure, people were always leaving their dorms, but creaks were scary.

"H...Helllooooo? IS... Who's there? I-I... I have a bat, and I most certainly am not afraid to uuuuuse ittt...." Her threat ended up sounded like a whine, and she got her arm ready to swing. She may have been prefect, but she was bloody scared.
That was Lori right? Or was it someone else? Melissa obviously couldn't see unless one; she could be able to see through the door and two; she opened the door. She couldn't see through the door, though it may of helped right now because it might of been someone else and Lori might of not even BEEN in there yet. Unless it was someone who wasn't supposed to be in there and...she got kidnapped. EEPP!!!

Lori WASN'T kidnapped and she was safe somewhere. Yes that was trueee. BELIEVE IT MELISSA. The young girl narrowed her eyebrows, still with the most worried expression stuck on her face. She was MORE worried at the fact that she had no idea WHO was in that dorm and making a lot of racket. A voice. It sounded...Lorish? WAS it her though and not like some imposter? "Errrm, it's Melissa...Melissa Bellatorrrr and if your thinking offf thhrrrrowing that bat at the dddooor can you actually oopen it first before yyyou swing it at mmme or whatever youurr going to dooo?" She replied in a VERY shaky voice because honestly. SHE. WAS. TERRIFIED. Terrified at the fact that some Lori imposter or someone who sounded LIKE Lori had a bat and they were going to do something with it.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....Hhhelp? Oh boy. What a great start to the year ey?
ANGELO JASON SORDEAU__________________________________________________ _____
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