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Chewing on a rather huge chocolate, Josh walked down the corridor lost in thoughts about how weird this year started for him. First there were foreig students wandering around. Well...the girls, especially Beauxbatons girls ,were beautiful but the boys, especially Durmstrang boys, were all annoying. He could remember Evelyn staring at one certain Durmstrang boy being unable to take her eyes off of him. Grrr...
And secondly there was going to be no Quidditch this term. *scoff* And this was because of some Triwizard Tournament that he could not even join to play. He wanted to play...so badly! And there was....
He stopped immediately when he saw Iris walking past him. Hehe. Before she could get away Josh grabbed her arm. ''Hey there, Kitty. Where are you leading to hmm?''
Iris turned around as someone grabbed her arm. WTFF?!!? Oh. It was Josh. She raised her eyebrow at this new nickname
. "The grounds." She said simply. That much seemed obvious. Why else would she be going THAT way? >>>
She frowned at him.
"Will you let go of my arm please?" She'd pull the puppy dog eyes if she needed to.