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Bonnie flicked through her muggle magazine, Casper trailing along behind her. She knew her sister would kick her for reading and walking but she didn't care. She read on about 'Does and Don'ts of Flirting.' She rolled her eyes in discussed. Rubbish. ...Not that she knew anything the only relationship was in was when she was twelve and it turned out to be disatrous. Siighh. Then her head met something with muscle and she stumbled backwards. Ughhhh. She hauled herself up then saw a boy and when she saw the boy she was hauling herself up with her thoughts screamed, HARWTT-Y! Her eyes widened.
Beck turned around to feel someone bump into him,. He looked down to see a girl that looked a little bit younger than him. He smiled sweetly down at her.
"Hi." Beck said with his French accent.