I r i s _ B e a u m o n t

Made by me. Name : Iris Dorothée Beaumont
Known as : Prefect Beaumont; Iris; Monty; [insert name here]'s Friend; PREFECT MONTY?!
Blood Status : Pureblood
Age : 15
Birthday : 13th February, 2058
Year She Started Hogwarts : 2069/Term 22
House : Slytherin *Hissss*
wand : 9 1/2 inches long, Willow with an augury feather.
Favourite Colour : Green and Purple.
Favourite Food : Anything that she can pronounce the name of.
Favourite Subject/s : Arithmancy, Transfiguration, Charms
Least Favourite Subject/s : Potions, Flying, Divination, Astonomy.
Patronus : Hmm. Maybe she should get onto learning that. It could come in handy.
Model : Pixie Lott
i. Hair colour : Pale Blonde
ii. Eye colour : Teal
iii. Height : Exactly 5 foot 9 inches. She's had quite a growth spurt over the last year or so.
iv. Weight : She's not been on a set of scales since she was born... So those measurements would be relatively inacurate now.
v. Body Shape : Probably somewhere inbetween "Hourglass" and "Pear-shaped"
vi. Defining physical features : Iris has no freckles at all, and has fairly pale skin. She has no child hood scars from falling over - to some she would resemble a porceiline doll. She has a small birthmark on the back of her head, but it can't be seen because of her hair. Her hair is either up in a ponytail or down loose and curly. (Except for when Jimbo get's his say so - then it's a Green Mohawk.)
Family & Friends:
Family: Mum: Helena Koéffel (38 years old)
Dad: Luc Beaumont (40 years old)
Siblings: Robert Beaumont. (18 years old)
Family Info: All of the Beaumonts and Koéffels have all been French, it doesn't matter how far back you go in the Family Tree's, its always pure French ansestry. Both family trees were tainted though, with Iris's birth. Helena and Luc decided that they wanted to move to England, and away from their homes and history in Bordeaux. This, of course, enraged their parents - who took them and Robert off their family trees. When Iris was born in Ormskirk, she wasn't even acknowlaged by her French relatives. When Robert was due to start school - He chose to go to Beaubatons, much to Iris's French Relatives delight. For the three years that Iris wasn't at school, her Grandparents send her many letters, trying to convince her to follow her brothers steps. She however, chose to go to Hogwarts, as she saw it as the school of her country. She doesn't see herself as French at all - She's only ever been to France once in her life though. And that was during the summer of the Quidditch World Cup. It's been about three years since her dad left, and they've still heard nothing from him. Iris seems to be getting over this fact, but her big brother just doesn't want to. Her mum's also got herself a new love interest, which seems to be spitting the family in two again.
Friends: Best Friends:Aaron Anderson Fallon McCarthy - Jimbo Farley
- Leilani Rhode
- Wesley Reagan
- Satine Farris
Other Friends/acquaintances : - Pierre Deveraux (Graduated)
- Evan Cartwright (Old enemy; hardly speak anymore)
- Kevin McKay (Graduated)
- Alex Hound
- Joshua Carter
- Nate King
Iris makes friends fairly easily, though she is happy with the small handful of friends that she has got. Her best friends all have special places in her heart, One of her best friends moreso than others. Her first friend in the wizarding world, Aaron Anderson, has started to cause odd feelings and thoughts. Iris, having never felt like this before, has no idea that she is falling for him - nor does she know that he has harboured a crush for her since they first met. All of her other friends have already figured out that he Fancies Iris though. Fallon doesn't seem to press the subject that much, but Satine likes to ask Aaron frequesntly "So what's going on with you two?". <<< After pretending to go out with each other for the whole year, Aaron finally told her that he likes her and they ended up really going out.(kinda)
Then, the fool went and kissed Fallon and both of them hid it from Iris for more than a year, like the caring best friends that they are. Now, Aaron's gone off to New York and some other kids taken his place here. YAY, fun times.
- Aaron Anderson,
- Cookies 'n' Cauldron Cakes Ice Cream,
- Butterflies,
- Rainbows,
- Rainbow coloured cupcakes with an iced butterfly on top,
- Hogwarts
- Her cat, Luna,
- Luna's kittens,
- Shoes,
- Especially expensive shoes,
- Being silly,
- Being silly with Jimbo,
- Red lipstick,
- Polkadot dresses,
- Charms class,
- Watching Quidditch,
- Making clothes,
- Mum's new boyfriend (Even though she says he's not. Hehe.)
- Her prefect badge.
- Aaron Anderson,
- Flying,
- Broomsticks,
- Deep water,
- Fastly moving water,
- Being in water,
- Dead butterflies,
- The fact that Dad left us,
- Annoying older brothers,
- Having no money,
- Potions class,
- SMELLY things,
- Like
boys and dogs, - Muggle cars.
Other info:
Iris doesn't have many habbits, those that she does include: Putting her Quill in her pony tail for safe keeping, looking away from someone when she is embarrassed and forgetting to put the lid back on her ink.
She likes italian and english foods, and isn't particularly fussy about what she eats. The only types of food that she WILL NOT eat is sushi and chinese food.
Her favourite subjects are Muggle Studies, Care Of Magical Creatures, Charms and Arithmancy. She doesn't really like Divination and Herbology. The two subjects just baffle her.
Iris met the Giant squid in her first year, and she accidentally gave him a sivler bangle with her name and date of birth on instead of one of the other plain ones she was wearing.
Iris cannot swim, as she got German Measles when she was supposed to be taught how to swim with the class of Muggles in the local primary school, Because of these Measles, she has always had a fear of water (and Heights, though no one can explain how the Measles caused this). These two fears combined did not help Iris in her First year - where they were being forced up to higher levels by water, this only freaked Iris out more than any 11/12 year old should ever go through.
Again, they didn't help her when she was having a snowball fight with Aaron and ended up on the surface of the frozen lake accidentally.
Similarly like her Mum, She is allergic to Nifflers - Though much less severly than her mum is. She can work with Nifflers, as long as she doesn't touch her eyes before washing her hands. She learnt this when she was taken to a wizarding zoo when she was 6. The Zookeeper was letting young kids hold the Nifflers, Iris however, was very tired by mid afternoon and was rubbing her eyes to try and stay awake. Within half an hour, her eyes were watering like an I-don't-know-what and they had gone red and puffy. In her first year, she had to be very cautious about them in CoMC and almost ended up scratching her eye in the lesson.
She spent the summer of the QWC in France, visiting all of her French relatives for the first time, as they all randomly forgave her parents for moving away from France. Whilst she was there, her cousin Anastasie (who had just left Beauxbaton's ) decided that Iris needed a makeover after draining Iris for every little detail about Aaron - and gave her a make over even though Iris didn't want one. After spending a week in a different wardrobe and with make up, she was left to wonder what Aaron would think of it all.
All throughout her fourth year, Iris went unaware that her two first best friends had been keeping a HUMONGUS secret from her, and when she found out (a whole year later) She was pretty much devastated; which is why they're
temporarily crossed off from her list of Best Friends.
This year; She's PREFECT. :'D OOC: Hai! I'm Jess; I'm 16 from England. At the moment, I can get on everyday, all day because I have no life. But, from the 10th September onwards, I'll be at Sixth Form... So I won't be on as often. I'll still probably be on everyday in the late afternoon/evening (GMT) So if you need me for anything, or would like to RP, just drop me a VM.
(And... all this new Moddy-prefect stuff's quite scary and new; so bare with me while I get used to it!)
I'm probably going to reformat this bio completely over the next few days before I start college, because I'm starting to get the feeling that most of this information makes little sense to anyone who's not been involved deeply with all of the various plots IC. *facepalm*