Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3
Full Name: Heather Rosemary Olsen
Nickname: Heather
Birthdate: October 31
Age: as of now, 10 and a half.
House: Gryffindor
Year: 1st Year
Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown with curly tips and uneven bangs.
Height: 4'9 (so petite~!)
eyes: silver
heritage: Half blood. (mother is pureblood, father is muggle-born, both were once Gyffindors.)
Siblings: only child
-toooooo innocent perhaps as well as toooo naive.
-super shy!
- always nervous, but never around her friends.
- always there to help out
-very, very, very childish
Other traits:
-loves to sleep
-loves to read
-loves to eat sweet stuff
-pretty much an average memory
-cuts the tips of her own hair (which explains the messy hair cut she dons...) with a reason that she wants to make it straight. Unfortunately, the tips get the curls back.
-Blushes more than ten times a day.
- Navigationally challenged (easily gets lost)
-candies, chocolates, pastries
-her treasured possession, a panda doll almost half her size.
-and a million nice and 'safe' things
Hates/afraid of:
- unfriendly ghosts
- cockroaches and spiders
- scary bullies
- having to go around the places alone and getting lost
- making someone uneasy
- Howlers from her mom
- badly drawn maps from her dad
- rejection
Other personal info:
*has no cousins on her mother side, two aunts, two uncles and her grandparents.
*has three cousins on her father side and an aunt and an uncle as well as a Grandmother.
*Best friends with Ara Cassandra Prewett, housed in SLytherin.
*Calls her panda doll, Mr. Panda