Sammy ran into the dormitories and into her own year's.
"YES NO CLAIMED BEDS!" she squealed running over to the comfy-est looking one and BELLY FLOP! She rolled over and
"CLAIMED!" she squealed getting up and starting to jump on her awesome bed. DANCE TIME!
like this. Sammy was in a dancing mood. She heard a bang from another floor and cringed for whoever had just made that noise. But then continuing her dance
"THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGURD! GURD GURD GURD! THE HOBBITS THE HOBBITS THE HOBBITS! TO ISENGURD TO ISENGURD!" She sang jumping up and down, she had watched the Lord of the Rings for the first time during the holidays... it wasn't her fault she loved Legolas, he was just an awesome elf. But she didn't like evil dude that beat up Gandalf, no