Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd
Why would the previous Professor send the animals to a farm? They had everything they needed to take care of them here. Unless... no, better not think or SAY it out loud.
Ah, was that some cheek she sensed coming from the boy? Her eyes narrowed slightly, but didn't react any further to it. "I'm glad you know the difference." Maybe next time, he would say so first instead of making her wait for a question.
And then he was smirking. Why.... Eyeing.
A real question... Celebration time. "Yes. You are allowed to visit them." Her head dropped a little to look at him better. "But...you better treat them with care. If you don't..." Pause. "I will know. And there's nowhere to hide in this School." Well, there probably was. But... I know who you are, Treyen Lockhart. Enough with the creepyness. Yes?
"What creature is it that you have been taking care of?" Good thing to know.
Stupid. Stupid. He was stupid.
Why did he have to make a reply for that observation thing? He was stupid.
Or brave, like Gilderoy.
Yes, that was it. He was brave like Gilderoy.
There was a big smile when she mentioned he could visit, but the smile slowly faded...what was she implying? He took great care of Phineas! He didn't want anything to happen to him, did he? That's why he'd gotten here in the first place!
"I always took great care of Phineas, I wouldn't do anything to hurt him!" he sort of exclaimed, slightly defensive, but just sliiiightly, no one could notice that.
Er, yeah. He didn't like that. Nowhere to hide.
Treyen straightened himself,
"A Niffler, named Phineas" he said, with a firm nod.
Originally Posted by
"Hellooo." She drawled cheerfully, turning her attention to the woman. Wait a moment, that was something she could do. Cause her mind was on other things. Like the new wooden fenced in area that she couldn't see over from where she was standing. Staaare.
And then he turned when he recognized the face.
Haha. He was saved, he couldn't be killed if there were witnesses. And there was Arya. Perfect!
Treyen waved a bit, not wanting to say a single word.