Weeee Jenn <33... | You know Ravvies are awesome | | Loly... I luff you! | LOVES mah TWINNEH!
Maddie just stood there for a moment longer... untii; her view was interrupted. By a RACOON. Yes, a racoon. How odd. Though, she did like racoons, they were cool. HANG ON! Cute lil' racoon buddy was running for the tree! NUU! He was gonna get hurt... and she guessed it was the little firstie's, since he was yelling. Awwh... firstie. C-YOOT.
Setting off for the tree at a run, Maddie ducked down a little so as not to get hit by flying tree limbs. That would be baaad. Before she reached the trunk, though, the liittle racoon dude stopped and turned round. And then just... stood there. Eh. Bending down and scooping him up, Maddie walked back to the little firstie and knelt on the grass beside him. 'Here y'are' she said happily, and set the racoon on the floor next to him... wait, Preston? 'Preston? That you?' she said happily, glad to have found the younger boy. He'd looked so unhappy when he'd left FF's, she sorta wanted to know why.
__________________ _________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back... _____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone? 
☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆ |