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Should she get closer or should she just stay away ? GAH, such crucial decisions.
Oh hey, it was a person! The blonde turned around, pushing her braid back into it's rightful place. Hey, it was Rhea! Savannah still kind of felt bad about Aiden being a jerk at her party,No, none of it was her fault.Nope. Stupid Ai-Ai. Savannah waved at the Hufflepuff, smile on her face. Oh? What was she doing at the whomping willow ?
Errr....that was a good question actually. What WAS she doing here ?! This tree scared her so why did she come to see it? It's not like she missed it's scariness of anything, if anything she didn't like see it at all. Shrug."Oh...er...."The blonde began to play with her braid."I dunno."Pause."What are YOU doing here ?"Inset lots of shiftyness here.
Rhea shook her head. Savannah Conrad was one hard onion to peel. Of all the places to hang out, she found her at the whomping willow. Meh, sometimes she just did not understand that girl. Oh well
She laughed at her inability to answer. She figured she might have just wandered there or something. Maybe she was trying to clear her head. Who knew? She raised a single eyebrow and smirked.
"You can't answer so you're turning the question me,reeeeeeeeeeal smooth Sav." She chuckled and got closer.
"I just came to visit my favourite angry and violent tree. I daresay it must have missed me tons."