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"He was a little shy," she admitted as she continued to read. "He felt better after he ate one of my cookies. He was very pleasant to talk to after that." She had finished reading this particular story and not sure if she wanted to keep reading onto the next one. She was afraid she wsa going to have nightmares to be honest. So she decided to put the book down and leave the last story a mystery. She would give it back to Ling the next time she saw him. "You know, you are becoming quite the girl magnet," she laughed.
He guawffed at how true that was."I know."He said in a long tone."But I get all the crazy girls stalking me...Not you, you're just fine the way you are."He smiled shyly, and looked down a few seconds hoping the fire would bounce off his face and cover his blush."I need to make some guy friends...Know anyone good?"He looked up eagerly. He had noticed that Kurumi had been chatting to many Gryffindors earlier that night, she must've met some nice guys who would get along with him.