Originally Posted by
Noel Laurent
"Oh, non. Not rude at all." he smiled, taking a quick sip of his drink. Hmm, well it was custom to have introductions first, but he hadn't introduced himself to the girl either. To Vashti he had, but not to her even though she was standing right next to the Ravenclaw girl. "Only saying so because I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself az well." Laughing, he set the goblet down back onto the table before looking back over to Trixie. "Bonjour Trixie. It iz very nice to meet you. My name iz Noel Laurent."
Glancing one more time to the Slytherin table to see if both Jermaine and Monique were doing alright, and then to the Hufflepuff table to see if Brielle was alright as well, Noel smiled once again as he let his gaze fall back onto Trixie. "Fantastique. I will be looking forward to hanging with you in ze future zen. Are you excited about ze tournament?"
Looking around as he ate, his eyes did land on someone wearing...red colored robes? Or at least part of it was red. He had only seen blue and green, so this person must have been from the lion table. Aw he had yet to meet anyone from the lion table.
Was there something about them that were not intriguing? He had seen Jermaine drag one off to the snake table before. Perhaps so...
She had looked lost though. Or, maybe not? Couldn't find the person she sought after? "Bonjour mademoiselle." Perhaps he could help her find her way?
Nodding, quite content with where he was at the moment and the people he was meeting, Noel took another bite of his food when the girl had screamed.
Very loudly too...
"Hogwarts étudiants sont fort..." he mumbled to himself, wide eyed and startled. Turning to Vashti, he looked around to see if she was hurt or if someone was bugging her. But, he could see nothing. "Are you alright, Vashti? Are you hurt?"
Perhaps he just wasn't seeing it.
Perhaps they had not. But he had seen that there were a few people that seemed to have grasped the proper manners like one should know. Some of the others though, almost made himself feel embarrassed for them.
"A first year class, oui?" He did agree with having a set course on proper etiquette and manners mentioned to the school, but he definitely wasn't going to be the one to say it to their headmaster. Would be rude! He wouldn't mind other people mentioning it to him though. Hesitantly taking a bite of what seemed to be a British food, he chewed for a moment, trying to decide if he liked it or not when Sandra had asked about classes.
"A few, maybe." he said after swallowing. Particularly their charms and transfiguration classes, just to see if they were teaching anything that he didn't already know. "It would be nice to see how zese zings differ from our school. But I am all for continuing my independent studies if I do not enjoy ze classes." Heck, he'd be fine with just studying on his own, but while he was at the school, might as well get to know everything about it. As well as what they really are studying and how far along they are with their knowledge.
Nothing like getting an up close look at your competition. "And you az well?"
Emily then heard someone with a french accent and turned around to see someone she had never met before, so she presumed him a beauxbatons.
"Bonjour, Je m'apelle Emily, sa me fait plaisir pour faire votre connaisance!" (Hello, My name is Emily, it gives me great pleasure to make your acquaintance!) Emily said smiling at the boy. "I live in a bilingual province in Canada when not studying here at hogwarts." Emily said smiling.