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Old 09-02-2010, 01:07 AM   #436 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Skye saved the day!
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

SPOILER!!: Everything too XD
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
SPOILER!!: Troublemakers ;)

"Again, Miss Mayberry, I did not ask for commentary or hysterics. I simple want to know, from start to finish, what happened. Calmly." He looked at her pointedly. There was far too much mess for that to be all. And he would tell her so. "The amount of disruption I witnessed from the staff table, and the mess here, don't seem to add up to your telling of events." He would give her a moment to mull that over.

Turning, then, to the eldest in the bunch, "Could you kindly tell me what this is, then? So long as no one is willing to tell me what happened in a manner than convinces me that that's what happened, I am going to consider you all responsible."

Turning then the the first year, he smiled, hearing first her confession and then the older girls correction. " Accidents happen." He took her wand from her and feigned examining it. "It looks to be in proper order to me," he said, before kneeling down to hand it back to her. "It's usually a good idea to have someone teach you a spell, first, before you try it, especially if you're going to try it on someone else," he whispered, leaning in. "But don't worry, that's what school is for." He patted her on the shoulder, before standing once more.

"No, Miss Mayberry, you may not. You will stay here. All of you will stay here until someone tells me what happened." He crossed his arms in front of his chest once more.

"Now, what I know is there is a far bigger mess than Miss Mayberry's story would imply, and a misperformed scourgify performed on someone who was not, by Miss Mayberry's account, affected. So, last chance, ladies, for someone to tell me what happened. House points get taken, next."

And then, maybe, if he liked what he heard, he'd clean them up.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Enya eye'd the Professor in angry. She had told him what happened so why wasn't he letting her go. She needed to clean up! It was all Carin's fault! Grrr. She next glared at Carin across the table, if not for her talking about her behind her back she'd not be in this mess. It. Was. All. Carin's. Fault. Annoying. Little. Girl. She told herself glaring at the fellow Second year.

"I told you what happened" She argued turning to face the Professor, why couldn't he take that as a statement, she did after all tell the truth! She glared at the Professor. She paushed for a moment. "Look at me! And Carin. She's covered in fur because of Louisa and im covered in food because of Carin." She delcared raising her voice a little.

And now he was adressing Skye, like she wasn't there. And soon after Louisa. What!? He was being kind! But-But. She stamped her foot slightly. All this was really annoying! She wanted to sleep. The food look she was wearing at the moment didn't suit her either. GAH!

"No.." She tried to argue, her angry swelling up, "I told you what happened, i should be able to go" She next said looking at the Professor. Well she should souldn't she? Yeah! But no the Professor was still asking for a expliation of the events. There seem to be no way out. Why did she bother. Sigh. Enya sat down on the bench before her and refused to speak.
Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr View Post
SPOILER!!: Everything

Skye looked up at the teacher. It wasn't as bad as she'd first imagined, but she still wanted to stay out of the incident. However, it looked like that was going to be impossible. Skye didn't want to get these people into trouble (especially Enya, whom she was slightly scared of) but her desire to set things right overpowered her. She struggled internally for a moment, trying to find her voice, then launched into the briefest explanation she could while still getting all of the key details.

"Well, Professor, it started when Louisa came over here. She and Enya apparently had some sort of argument before the start of term, and Enya was still angry. Then Carin-" Here she pointed at the fur-covered Carin, who had so far remained silent. "-came to the table. She told off Enya for behaving so rudely toward Louisa, so then the two of them started arguing. Carin knocked a glass of juice onto Enya's robes. That part was an accident, but Enya thought it was on purpose, so she..kind of upended a whole jug of juice on Carin...She and Carin got very angry at each other then. Carin cleaned up the juice spill with the Scourgify charm, but then she knocked a basket of crumpets at Enya. I think that part was intentional. When Louisa tried to clean up Carin, she said the spell wrong and...well..." Skye gestured towards Carin, trying to make the point that she was clearly covered in fur. "This is where this prefect tried to step in, and a few moments later you arrived, sir." That was enough, wasn't it? Skye felt as though that was a pretty good explanation.

Skye felt a twinge of disapproval when Enya asked to leave. She had been causing a lot of the trouble after all. But at the same time, Skye, too, wanted to just get away from all of it. She wasn't about to just ask, though.

The little girl's eyes hung upon her wand as the professor turned it between his hands. She was concerned, what if the wand was such a waste of galleons? She wouldn't be able to do magic this term. But the professor knelt down before Louisa and whispered something. She almost backed away when he approached her, but his soft (still stern) features kept her rooted to her spot.

She took the wand back and her eyes were wet all of a sudden after he patted her shoulder. She didn't deserve to be treated nicely, not now that she got herself involved into such a mess like little girls would do. Even Danny stopped doing stupid deeds. Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded to the teacher, "Okay. I'd never do spells before I learn how to do them. I promise." She said her voice was shaking and she could fall apart at any moment, crying out loud or something.

Skye interfered at last, not only talked about the mess but the whole story since Louisa joined them. Louisa listened to her and admired her courage of telling the truth so plainly and no fear of a friend. Books weren't always right then, she made a mental note in her head. Louisa's determination on not telling on Enya failed now and there was no good in staying silent. She decided to tell her share of the story.
"Sir, what Skye has said is correct. It was an accident first; that Carin poured the juice over Enya's lap. But Enya was so tired and I made her angry lately." The girl's face mirrored her sorry and she rambled on, "So she couldn't stand any more annoying people, she has a touchy mood." Yeah, the professor needed to know all about Louisa's analysis of her friends' attitudes. You want honesty from youngsters? That is honesty mixed with innocence. " But Carin didn't get this, so she kept on pushing Enya and threw some food at her. And…" She glanced at Enya sadly digesting her words, "Enya took revenge and poured juice on her. Her voice trailed off at the end.
And we reached when Louisa stepped in, "I thought I could help them to clean themselves up before throwing something else. And..umm.. I was wrong… obviously." She finished her head hanging in shame again.

What a relief! The story's been told whole and Louisa didn't betray Enya. Or so she thought. Louisa now was ready to face any punishment she deserved, she did act irresponsible. Her mother wouldn't be happy when she knew what happened. Her stepfather could make fun of her magic! She swallowed the lump and waited for the professor to talk. Too scared to hear him that she almost closed her ears with her fingers. But that was rude! She just closed her eyes and waited for the bomb to explode.
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