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Old 09-01-2010, 05:33 PM
Lislchen Lislchen is offline
Default Office of Professor Jeremy Zookara

The Office of Professor Jeremy Zookara

After having been invited in by the professor you enter a rather crowded looking office which nonetheless looks quite cozy. There are two comfortable looking chairs on one side of the large oak desk and one on the other side for Jeremy to sit in. On the desk you may happen to glance at several photos which are turned away from you, though, so you are now unable to actually see the people in them. Upon taking a closer look at the desk, you might notice that one of the picture frames has been placed upside down on top of the desk. Do not ask why...

Furthermore, a number of book shelves have been quite randomly positioned against the wall on both sides of the room. They are filled with all kinds of books, and there seems to be no order at which they have been placed on the shelves whatsoever. They are just there, one after the other, reaching from Shakespeare's Macbeth to a book on Muggle Cooking. So should you be in need of something to read then this is certainly the perfect place to go...after the Library of course.

One last thing may catch your attention as you let your eyes scan the office in search for something interesting: A glass cabinet filled with...rubber ducks? Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you. Rubber ducks, in all variations, all colors, all sizes. Neatly placed next to each other. A glass cabinet full of rubber ducks. Now you might know what to bring for your next visit.

OOC: Please do NOT post your character in this thread unless they have been invited in by Jeremy. Just RP yourself knocking and waiting in the Corridor Outside the Office until I post specifically allowing you in - either by quoting your post or by allowing EVERYBODY in. Thank you.