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Old 08-31-2010, 10:19 PM   #211 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
OOC: Thanks Laila

Suddenly, a cheery voice came from across the table and Lilli spotted a girl waving at her. This made Lilli ecstatic, an introduction!!
'Hi. Yeah, new first year. I think I remember your name, I'm kinda like that. Louisa right? I'm Lilli-Rose. Just call me Lil though.'
Finally, she wasn't a loner!
The girl knew her name? Wow! Sure as hell she didn't see that coming. Maybe when they were sorten then. Yeah that made sense.

Oo! An exciting first year. Cool. "Nice to meet you Lil." She beamed up at the girl. "Did you always want to be at Ravenclaw then?" She asked taking a bite of her dinner, "I always wanted to be a Ravvie. I love reading, science and things like this." She said.

"So, is it your first time in the wizarding world?" The curiousity was tugging, "I mean are you muggle born or not?" She added chuckling.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Enya glanced at the girl Louisa had started talking to. She didn't like her immeditaly, taking Louisa'ss attention from her. Her first friend! She glared. But thought maybe it was Louisa's fault, well then she'd get her back....somehow. Enya nodded once at the girl, but said nothing, she turned towards the group.

She smiled when she heard Louisa laugh, ah she still had her way of making people laugh. Sarcasticness..well she thought. It was worth a idea, at least. She turned to fully look at Louisa, eyeing her before she spoke. Enya shruggedd. She really wasn't sure. "Uh, My room i think" She guessed. Where had she found it?
Wha..? Was that an answer? Her room? "Your room?" She said with false enthusiasm, "Wha! I would definitely lose my notebook if I put it in my room. No doubt." She chuckled shaking her head. She poured another glass of pumpkin juice, this thing was awesome! And helped her to stay cool.

Originally Posted by Paintbrush View Post

Carin listened almost half heartedly to the conversation between Louisa and Skye - they seemed to oblivious to the situation, to Enya. But nice nevertheless, just... innocent.

Or just plain ignorant, Carin could never tell the difference.

"First year's great," she told Louisa with a smile. Not that she was speaking from experience, but still.

She leaned over to the jug with pumpkin juice and picked it up to refill her cup, but her hand slipped and the liquid went cascading onto the tabletop and the robes of the student sitting opposite her...

...who just happened to be Enya.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Carin exclaimed clamping a hand to her mouth to hide her smirk but managing to sound sincere nevertheless. That's so clumsy of me, I really didn't mean to! Here, let me help, there's some napkins..." she babbled on, handing over some blue paper napkins and dabbing at the tablecloth.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
"I hope so." Louisa replied to the new girl. She was not very old, just close to her age. But something about her eyes made Louisa feel... something fishy. She didn't judge the girl. Not too soon. Let's hope she's...

And BANG! The worse has happened! A cup of juice was spilled over Enya. Like hell has just visited them. Closing her eyes instantly and moving away slightly from the Enya, Louisa smirked, "I.. I think it's a good omen. Spilling juice over someone." Ouch! That even sounded lame. Her eyes flashed with anxiety at what would happen.
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