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Old 08-31-2010, 09:42 PM   #198 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
As she was chatting to Skye and Enya, she glanced a little girl sitting opposite of her. Not so little actually, she seemed new just as well as herself. And that meant one more introduction, HA!
"Hey there!" She waved at the girl who seemed absentminded and grinned. "I've seen you getting sorted into Ravenclaw." She made up the execuse, "And thought that you're first a year as well? Totally new?" Like me, she added in her head.
OOC: Thanks Laila

Suddenly, a cheery voice came from across the table and Lilli spotted a girl waving at her. This made Lilli ecstatic, an introduction!!
'Hi. Yeah, new first year. I think I remember your name, I'm kinda like that. Louisa right? I'm Lilli-Rose. Just call me Lil though.'
Finally, she wasn't a loner!
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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