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Old 08-31-2010, 09:32 PM   #197 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default One more person into the convo XD
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
Lilli-Rose sat down at the table after being sorted into Ravenclaw, as far as she was aware that was the brainy house. She sat down and looked at the other first years. She was too afraid to start a conversation so she hoped they would say hello.

The great hall was nothing like she had expected. Isla had told her what her sister told her about it but this was beyond the description. It was obvioulsy magical, no doubt about it. This made Lil think about what magic she could achieve. Could she ever be that good one day? Good enough to design a room with an enchanted ceiling and food that just kept appearing?

She reminded herself to visit the library. It was after all her favourite place in the world but she wanted to read up on spme famous Muggle borns. Maybe she would get lucky and be one of them one day.

She picked up a plate and filled it with all sorts of vegetables, some mashed potato and steak pie.
As she was chatting to Skye and Enya, she glanced a little girl sitting opposite of her. Not so little actually, she seemed new just as well as herself. And that meant one more introduction, HA!

"Hey there!" She waved at the girl who seemed absentminded and grinned. "I've seen you getting sorted into Ravenclaw." She made up the execuse, "And thought that you're first a year as well? Totally new?" Like me, she added in her head.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Enya smiled slightly at hearing Louisa hastly introduce herself. Maybe she thought she had been friends with them for a while. She laughed in her head, no, but she wouldn't correct her. Afterall she hadn't asked. She smiled at Louisa - her sorta best friend. It hurt her to admit that one! Enya took another few bites of her dinner, finding herself hungry again. Hmm...

She nodded at Louisa's word but rolled her eyes at her second one. Of course! Who's else's would i be? Santa Claus? Although she didn't say that out loud. "Well yeah...Captain Obvious" She saidd rolling her eyes again, her voice sarcastic.. Seriously!? She shook her head in disbelief.

At the mention of her notebook she looked at Louisa. How could she remember that!? She asked. It was more then a week..After that afternoon, she hadn't seen or heard of Louisa. Thank God. But it was still kind of her to remember, although she wouldn't say that! Instead she said inbetween eating, "Yeah. Somewhere" With no indication of adding further.

Enya continued to eat and drink while she listened to Louisa and Skye talking. Making friends.
Louisa laughed at Enya's sarcasm, although she knew that Enya definitely didn't intend to make her laugh. She did anyways.

"Great then! Where did you find it?" She asked taking a sip of the pumpkin juice. And could she just speak more than two words at a time? Gosh! Louisa's mood started to worsen. She's been trying to ignore this girl's indifference all along, let's see how long she'd stand it. Deep breath.
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