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Old 08-31-2010, 08:47 PM   #189 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Enya continuted to glare at Corin, ignoring Skye as she hadn't spoken in a while - maybe this whole episode scared. But she turned to stare at Louisa when she finally spoke. Eye roll. About the statement of still knowing her name. Of Course! The amount of times they had bumbed into each other in Diagon Ally, too many for her liking.

She jumped back a bit when Louisa went all jumpy on the house she was in. Course she could see she had made it to Ravenclaw - was that the house she wanted? - but she really didn't care. She had sorta ignored the sorting. Instead had thought, something she had been doing for a while now. Enya nodded. "So i see" She simply said in a bored voice. "Er...Congratulations?" She added, wondering if she was suppose to say that! It felt weird - wrong somehow. Strainge.

"But no need to jump at me" She said stiffly, back into her old attitude. Enya took a swing from her drink.
Louisa could notice the other two students Enya obviously was sitting with. Well, this was new to Louisa. Enya had many friends, wow! There are tolerant people in this school. Hehehe. She smiled at both and introduced herself with a smile, "I'm sorry I burst into your conversation like this. I'm Louisa by the way."

"Thanks." She answered her, "Is this cup for someone?" She pointed at the golden cup stood in front of her empty. Was she too excited to see Enya that she forgot to bring her cup? Ouch! This friendship is going to nowhere Louisa could see.

She knew that Enya was acting that way because of the last time she met her. She kind of opened her heart a bit... just to shut it right after that. Heh. So Enya-ish. "Have you found your notebook?" She started a conversation...hopefully?
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