Daniel smiled at Sapphie. She missed him? That was a first. No one but his sister had ever missed him before. "I missed you too" Daniel said. He was sure that was what she wanted to hear. If someone misses you your supposed to miss them too, right? "Hufflepuff?" Daniel asked slightly dissapointed "Thats ok, I'll still see you around the castle" he said kindly. "Hufflepuff is a pretty good house"
Then when Sapphie took out some square device (ipod touch) Daniel leaned closer. "Whats that?" he asked. He'd never seen anything like it. Well apart from the phone things that muggles had.
Sapphinelle gave him a big smile back.
"Good. I know, I'll hang out with you as much as I can." she gave him a warm smile.
"Ipod touch. It stores music, gets internet connection, takes pictures, and video." she said with a big smile.