Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Quote:
Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr Skye noticed that this girl didn't necessarily look thrilled with being interrupted. She bit her lip. "Er - I'm Skye..." she said hesitantly. She was going to say more, but before she could someone else came and sat down right next to the girl.
Skye's eyes widened at this exchange. Clearly there was something going on here. A fight? Very possible. Maybe she'd better stay out of it. "Er..." she said uncertainly. This newcomer had so far shown no sign of noticing Skye at all. Maybe it wasn't too late to go back to her plate and pretend she had never spoken. She looked down, undecided, cheeks flaming. Carin walked down the length of the Ravenclaw table, searching for a seat. There were a few people she recognized, but mostly ones she didn't owing to her lack of interest in having a social life the previous year. She was about to turn back to see if she'd missed a seat when she noticed an empty one next to an older girl.
And, following the girl's eyes, she noticed another Ravenclaw she'd spotted in Diagon Alley a few times, a girl who seemed to have more attitude than she could control - although this thought was rather hypocritical, coming from Carin. "She looks kind of scary sometimes, doesn't she?" Carin observed, sitting down next to the older girl and nodding in the direction of - if she heard correctly - Enya. "She was like that in Diagon Alley when I saw her a few times, never actually talked to her though. I'm Carin, by the way," she introduced herself, smiling at her older housemate.
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