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Callie decided to spread her prettiness even further throughtout Hogwarts. So she made her way over to the Ravenclaw table but seen as she hadn't met anyone who'd said they were in Ravenclaw she went and sat by herself away from most people waiting for someone to approach her and her prettiness.
Big headed much ?
Bradin found himself walking over to the Ravenclaw table. He knew about three people in that house. Maddie, Louisa and if he'd met another Ravenclaw, he couldn't remember their name, or even what year they were in. Not even if they were male or female. O wells.
He looked for someone he knew. No one.
Then he found someone who looked rather out of place and quite.....
cute.....maybe. She looked cute and he was sure he'd seen her somewhere over at the Slytherin table. Maybe his eyes were just decieving him. He was fairly well-known for that happening.
"Someone looks rather out of place don't they" he told the girl who was sat alone looking for pretty......and waiting for someone to embrace her......