Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat Quote:
Originally Posted by teachpet13 "He's such a guy." Elora thought. But she liked him. This summer, she missed him. Like really missed him. " How are the young ones?" She nodded at his offer for a drink and smiled.
Fixated on the drink she absent mindedly tousled her hair. Then tied it off into a side pony tail. " We should have gotten together to ride..." "They're..." Kellen thought about how they were, and then condensed it, "growing. They used to all like the same things, but they've really started to go their separate ways. It makes life... interesting." His parents couldn't buy three copies of the same gift any more for Christmas.
As always, his eyes were momentarily distracted by the wave that went through her hair when she moved it, and he gave himself a small mental shake. Over that. Sixth year. No effect. Continuing on, "Next summer for absolute sure. You can bring your sister." This was accompanied by a conspiratory grin, "And she can spend the day with mine." |